(日本語の文章は英文の下にあります) Ratatouille, the French stewed summer vegetables can be made easily in the microwave! We will also show you how to make a simple granita that is very refreshing and will cleanse your palate! [Ratatouille] 1/2 (110g) zucchini 1 (100g) eggplant 8 cherry tomato 1/2 (60g) paprika 1/4 (60g) onion 1 eringi mushroom 1/2 piece garlic dry herbs such as oregano and thyme basil leaves (for decoration) 2 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp salt pepper [Granite] 150ml sparkling wine 25ml water 25g white sugar mint (For decoration) ——————– 電子レンジで即席ラタトゥイユ スパークリングワインのグラニテ フランスの夏野菜の煮込み料理、ラタトュイユをなんと電子レンジで簡単に作ります。 あっさりで野菜の食感が残ったラタトュイユトは、煮込んだものと一味違って、これもとても美味しいんです! そして、もう一品、夏に爽やかなお口直しのグラニテも簡単に作る方法を伝授します。 ※日本語のレシピはYoutubeの概要欄でご確認ください。
Hello Everyone,After 2 and a half years after Junko’s stroke, we will gradually be opening our doors to JJ Kitchen again.However, as Junko is still recovering, we will be changing our methods a bit.For the time being, we will only be accepting PRIVATE CLASSES (when we are available, and will not be holding our regular cooking classes, membership classes nor kids cooking classes (children can participate in the private lessons with the adults).Please contact us if you are interested in taking a private class from us. If there are dishes that you would like to make, please let us know and we can discuss the possibilities.We hope our new style will be as enjoyable as before!