(日本語の文章は英文の下にあります) What did everyone eat during the new year’s holiday? Like in many countries that celebrate Christmas, New Year’s is a time of year where families gather and eat New Year dishes in Japan. On New Year’s Day, we eat “ozoni” which is a soup with “mochi (rice cake)” in it, but we can get tired of eating this every day. So today, we will show you how to use leftover mochi. Shihomi used tomatoes, fresh basil and cheese and flavored the mochi a bit Italian [ Ingredients ] 2 pieces rice cake 8 slices pork belly 2-3 cherry tomatoes 8 basil leaves (including decoration) 1 sheet melting cheese salt and pepper 1 tbsp white wine olive oil mixed green baby leaves ——————– お餅のイタリアン肉巻き みなさんはお正月は何を食べて過ごしましたか? 私は実家に帰って母の作ったおせち料理とお雑煮を食べました。お餅って普段あまり食べないけど、お正月はここぞとばかりに出てきますよね。今回はお雑煮も磯辺焼きも食べ飽きたっていう方にオススメの、余ったお餅活用レシピを紹介したいと思います。 トマト・バジル・チーズでいつものお餅をイタリアン風に♪ ※日本語のレシピはYoutubeの概要欄でご確認ください。