(日本語の文章は英文の下にあります) Okonomiyaki lesson with a father and son that visited us earlier this month! The two were such good cooks that we completed 2 side dishes and were ready to cook our okonomiyaki in record time of 1 hour after the start of the lesson! It was their first time seeing and touching a Chinese yam, and seemed surprised at how slimy and gooey it was😉 For the vegetarian Okonomiyaki, we added cheese, kimchee and mochi and the father said that the mochi was a great surprise as he only had sweet mochi before. We had lots of laughs and full bellies by the end of the lesson😋 Thank you for coming back to our kitchen in such short time! 今日は、お好み焼きレッスンにリピーター親子が来てくださいました😊 びっくりするくらい手際よく、あっという間に副菜2種とお好み焼き完成! ペロッと1枚完食、2枚目は半分ずつ(豚肉入り&ベジタリアンの2種)残してお母さんへのお土産に💕 次回息子さんのお誕生日お祝いレッスンもしたいと早速予約をくださいました。 毎回レッスンを楽しんでいただけて、私たちもとても嬉しいです!
Hello Everyone,After 2 and a half years after Junko’s stroke, we will gradually be opening our doors to JJ Kitchen again.However, as Junko is still recovering, we will be changing our methods a bit.For the time being, we will only be accepting PRIVATE CLASSES (when we are available, and will not be holding our regular cooking classes, membership classes nor kids cooking classes (children can participate in the private lessons with the adults).Please contact us if you are interested in taking a private class from us. If there are dishes that you would like to make, please let us know and we can discuss the possibilities.We hope our new style will be as enjoyable as before!