Sweets Easy Rice Cooker Cheesecake February 05, 2021 / by Junko (日本語の文章は英文の下にあります) Shihomi will be cooking an easy dessert using a rice cooker! Rich and creamy baked cheesecake can be baked in a rice cooker? It’s moister than the ones baked in an oven! This recipe doesn’t use a baking pan nor an oven! All you need to do is mix everything in the rice cooker and let it cook, so you can do other things while you wait! Excellent for those who are busy! [ Ingredients ] ・Cream cheese … 100g ・Fresh cream … 100 ml ・Sugar … 3-4 tbsp ・Hot cake mix or cake flour … 4 tbsp ・Egg … 1 ・Lemon juice … 1/2 tbsp ・Blueberry jam ・Mint, chervil, etc. (for decoration) ——————– 簡単!炊飯器で作るチーズケーキ しほみんに炊飯器を使ってとっても簡単なスイーツを作ってもらいました。 濃厚クリーミーなベイクドチーズケーキです。 炊飯器で作るものはオーブンで焼いたものよりもしっとりとしてなめらかな味わいがおいしく感じましたよ。 焼き型、オーブン一切不要! 材料を混ぜて炊飯器に入れたらあとは放っておくだけだから、ケーキを焼いている間に他の作業もできてよいですよね! ※日本語のレシピはYoutubeの概要欄でご確認ください。 Junko There are so many Japanese dishes and cultures that are not well known outside of Japan and I’m happy to introduce them to you! If you tested any of our recipes feel free to send us a photo and your comments and we will be happy to publish them, even if it wasn't a complete success! :) Seeking the best balance of being free and living a stable life in this busy city, I enjoy kitchen gardening to deepen my connection with nature. Lately, I enjoy traveling to places I’ve never been and dancing Salsa/Kizomba there. Always a traveler at heart. Freelance web/graphic designer. Coffee & chocolate addict.