Vegetarian / Soup & Stews Veggie-broth Vichyssoise July 11, 2020 / by Junko (日本語の文章は英文の下にあります) Do you know veggie-broth (vegetable stock)? Veggie-broth is a broth that you get from scrap veggies, such as the stems, peel, or cores of carrots, onions and other vegetables. This broth is full of sweetness from the vegetables, and is full of nutrition. Kei made “Vichyssoise (cold potato soup)” using veggie-broth instead of chicken broth. [Veggie broth] 1L water 250g-300g Vegetable peels, shavings, seeds, cut-off parts [Vichyssoise] 2 small potatoes 1/3 green onion 150cc veggie broth 150cc soy milk 1 tbsp olive oil 1/2-1 tbsp shio-koji (1/2 tsp salt) [Garlic toast] 4 slices baguette 10g butter 1 tbsp olive oil 2 pieces garlic salt and pepper ——————– ベジブロスでヴィシソワーズ ガーリックトースト添え 皆さんはベジブロスって知ってますか? ベジブロスとは、にんじんや玉ねぎのヘタや芯、皮など、普段捨ててしまうクズ野菜を煮出してつくるだしのことす。野菜の甘みやうまみたっぷりですが、ただおいしいだけじゃなく、実はここには抗酸化作用が強い「ファイトケミカル」という豊富な栄養素も詰まっています。 ベジブロスは無駄を失くし、その上健康的な体づくりをサポートする最高のだし。ベジブロスで野菜の恵みを余すことなくいただきましょう♪ 圧力鍋があれば10分程度でできて時短にもなりますよ。 今回はけいちゃんにベジブロスを使ったヴィシソワーズを作ってもらいます。 ※日本語のレシピはYoutubeの概要欄でご確認ください。 Junko There are so many Japanese dishes and cultures that are not well known outside of Japan and I’m happy to introduce them to you! If you tested any of our recipes feel free to send us a photo and your comments and we will be happy to publish them, even if it wasn't a complete success! :) Seeking the best balance of being free and living a stable life in this busy city, I enjoy kitchen gardening to deepen my connection with nature. Lately, I enjoy traveling to places I’ve never been and dancing Salsa/Kizomba there. Always a traveler at heart. Freelance web/graphic designer. Coffee & chocolate addict.