This class is only available to those who have signed up for the JJ Kitchen membership. Those who are new to JJ Kitchen are entitled to take a trial lesson with the members.
Looking for a one time cooking lesson that you can take casually?
The class will be held when the minimum number of participants has been achieved. You can join from mid-course when there are open seats. Reservations are mandatory. Please contact us if you are interested in the class.
We would welcome you contacting us before booking to check on the suitability of ingredients used in the menu if you have any dietary requirements. Otherwise, please inform us of any dietary requests on booking. If we do not get prior notice we cannot amend arrangements.
In early summer from mid-June to July, temperatures start to rise in “Honshu” or Japan’s main island, bringing the rainy season with many rainy and cloudy days. During this time of year, the days are hot and humid and many people may lose their appetites. Come join us in making dishes that are bound to prevent summer fatigue!
Somen noodles are a staple dish for the Japanese summer, and many crave this cool noodle dish when summer is near. This dish is also eaten on Takabata, which falls on July 7th of every year. Tanabata is known as the Japanese star festival, originating from a Chinese legend and it is said that eating somen noodles on this day will prevent one from getting sick.
In this lesson, we will be making 2 types of dipping sauce for the noodles; one is a basic noodle soup base and another is a spicy and tasty dipping sauce. Let’s learn how to boil and present the noodles in a flowing style with special decoration for tanabata party, and learn all about Japanese condiments and herbs.
For the main dish, we will use sardines that are readily available at supermarkets from June and make sardine wrapped pickled plum and cheese. The perfect harmony of sour pickled plums and rich cheese goes very well with the sardines and this dish is great as a side dish or appetizer! Sardines are rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, calcium and vitamin B2, an excellent ingredient! Sardines are very tender, so they are easy to open by hand. In this lesson, we will have everyone try this method of preparing sardines.
日本の本州では、気温が高くなりはじめる初夏の6月中旬ごろから7月まで、雨や曇りの日が多くなる梅雨の季節がやってきます。 梅雨の時期ははジメジメと蒸し暑い日もあり、食欲を失いがち。 今回は、夏バテ防止にぴったりのメニューを作ります!
そうめんは日本の夏の定番料理、日本人が夏が近づいてくると食べたくなる冷たい麺料理です。 そして、7月7日の七夕でも食べられる料理です。中国に由来する七夕は日本の伝統のお祭りの一つ。そうめんを七夕の日に食べると病気にならないと言われています。 レッスンでは、スタンダードな麺汁の他に、アレンジしたピリ辛のおいしいつけだれを2種類作ります。 流れるようなそうめんのゆで方と美しい盛り付け方、日本の薬味について学びましょう。
メインは、6月からスーパーによく出回るマイワシを使って、イワシの梅チーズ巻き焼きを作ります。梅干しの酸味と濃厚なチーズがイワシにぴったりの、おかずとしてもおつまみとしても最適なお料理です! イワシはDHAとEPAといった必須不飽和脂肪酸、さらにカルシウムやビタミンB2も豊富で食品の優等生! イワシは身が柔らかいので、簡単に手で開くことができます。レッスンではイワシの捌き方も紹介し、皆さんにもチャレンジしてもらいます。
<メニュー> そうめん(つけだれ2種:基本のめんつゆ、豆乳ラー油) [ hands-on ] イワシの梅しそ巻き [ hands-on ] たたきキュウリ [ hands-on ] イワシのつみれ汁 [ hands-on ] 笹団子もしくは蓬餅
* You can get free refills on Japanese sake, beer, wine and soft drink during the lesson :)* Menus are subject to change based on the availability of items in the market.
If you are unable to attend a lesson due to a conflict, you can take a different lesson to make up for it. However, please let us know 3 days in advance so that we can adjust our preparations.If you cancel between 2 days prior to the day of the lesson, you will not be able to make up for your lesson, and it will cost you 1 lesson.For details on the membership qualifications and terms of use, please check our Membership Terms and Conditions.
Not sure if JJ Kitchen is the one for you?Come in for a trail lesson. You can join in one of the lessons with other members!