Miso making! Last weekend, I showed how to make miso as an instructor for Egoland’s miso-making workshop. Many people from children to adults participated and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun 😊 We made very luxury miso with twice as much fresh koji (malted rice) as soybeans! I’m sure our miso will be very delicious in about half a year. Can’t wait to see how it turns out! 先週末、Egolandさんの味噌作りワークショップにて、講師を務めさせていただきました。 お子様から大人までたくさんの方に参加いただきました。 ほぐして、潰して、混ぜて、こねて、丸めて、押して。 体を動かしながらの作業、皆さんとても楽しそうでした😊 ワークショップの後は、Egolandさんが用意した土鍋炊きのご飯で作ったおにぎりと菜の花のお味噌汁。 素材が良いとシンプルがおいしい😋 厳選の生米麹が大豆の2倍入った贅沢みそ! 旨味甘みたっぷりの美味しい味噌になってくれるはず! 約半年後が楽しみです♪
Hello Everyone,After 2 and a half years after Junko’s stroke, we will gradually be opening our doors to JJ Kitchen again.However, as Junko is still recovering, we will be changing our methods a bit.For the time being, we will only be accepting PRIVATE CLASSES (when we are available, and will not be holding our regular cooking classes, membership classes nor kids cooking classes (children can participate in the private lessons with the adults).Please contact us if you are interested in taking a private class from us. If there are dishes that you would like to make, please let us know and we can discuss the possibilities.We hope our new style will be as enjoyable as before!