Spicy Ginger Syrup

November 14, 2024 / by Junko


For some reason, I often get messages from people overseas looking at old posts on JJ Kitchen asking for the recipe for the Ginger Syrup for Homemade Ginger Ale I make.
I am happy to hear that people are pleased with my recipe, so I have published the recipe on my website.
If you would like to try it, please make it and let me know what you think!


* You can adjust the amount of the spices for your taste.


  1. Wash, peel and thinly slice the ginger.
    (The peel can be left on if the ginger is young)
  2. Put the ginger and the same amount of sugar in a pan and let stand until the ginger is moistened.
  3. Add 500 cc of water to the pot and simmer over low to medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Finally, add lemon juice and bring to a boil.
  5. When the syrup has cooled, strain it and transfer it to a sterilized bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

* In fact, I do not add lemon juice to the syrup, but squeeze lemon juice into the glass when mixing with cider to enjoy the fresh lemon flavor.



なぜかJJ Kitchenの古い投稿を見て、海外の人から私の作る辛口の自家製ジンジャーエール用のジンジャーシロップのレシピを教えてほしいというメッセージをよくもらいます。

* スパイスの量はお好みで調整してください。


  1. 生姜は洗って皮をむき、薄くスライスする。
  2. 鍋に生姜と砂糖を入れ、生姜がしっとりするまで放置する。
  3. 鍋に水を加え、最初は中火から強火で、沸騰したら弱火にし、15~20分煮る。
  4. 最後にレモン汁を加え、沸騰させる。
  5. シロップが冷めたら濾し、煮沸消毒した瓶に移して冷蔵庫で保存する。

* 実際、私はシロップにレモン果汁を加えず、 炭酸と混ぜるときにグラスにレモン果汁を絞り、フレッシュなレモンの風味を楽しんでいます。

* 私は生姜を捨てずに天日干し(半乾き)にしておやつにしています!

There are so many Japanese dishes and cultures that are not well known outside of Japan and I’m happy to introduce them to you! If you tested any of our recipes feel free to send us a photo and your comments and we will be happy to publish them, even if it wasn't a complete success! :)

Seeking the best balance of being free and living a stable life in this busy city, I enjoy kitchen gardening to deepen my connection with nature. Lately, I enjoy traveling to places I’ve never been and dancing Salsa/Kizomba there. Always a traveler at heart. Freelance web/graphic designer. Coffee & chocolate addict.
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